new exhibition

Posted on February 25th, by Henrik Hytteballe in exhibitions. No Comments

From April the 5th – 28th I have an exhibition together with Laura Bach Skou at Odder Kunst.

We will have each our separate room, and I plan to bring at least 30 paintings.

At the opening on the 5th, we shall be playing a concert with the trio Stories. The concert will take place from 15.30. Listen to our latest song here:

Adress: Vitavej 60, Odder. Free entrance

120 X 102 Cm / 12.000,-

Amor y Existencia

Posted on April 24th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Paintings, 2012. No Comments

Barmhjertighed / La Compacion / 109 X 56 Cm / reserved

Our book is out and available – either through Books on Demand all over the world or in Denmark via
The book is in spanish. Hector Castillo from Bogotá, Colombia writes very poetic essays about Trees, the Night, Light, Death, Loneliness, Solitude, Compassion and I Have made 11 paintings illustrating his words.
It was a great challenge for me making these paintings. I wondered – “How do I illustrate Faith? or Compassion?” – I think I succeeded. Both Hector and I are very pleased with the final result, andI am impressed by the colours in the book. The printing is great.

Illustrations for a new book

Posted on February 9th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Paintings, 2012. No Comments

The Colombian author Hector Castillo and I have started a project together. He writes poetic and reflective essays on various subjects and I make paintings to illustrate his words. It will be a philosophical art book. Some of the themes are: The Night, Life, The Death, Trees and The Soul.

We plan to finish our book this spring. Next step is to find the right publisher and get the book out in the world. The book is in Spanish, but we may want to translate it to other languages. But if you are able to read it in Spanish, you can enjoy the rich poetry of Hector Castillo. I think he is a wonderful author.

sanselighed og nysgerrighed

Posted on August 20th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Paintings, 2012. Comments Off on sanselighed og nysgerrighed

Stemningsfuld kolorist
Om Henrik Hytteballes billedkunst
Med en ekvilibristisk sanselighed og en udstrakt nysgerrighed overfor verden omkring os skaber Henrik Hytteballe fortællinger på lærred.

Indfaldsvinklen til maleriet er stemninger og motiverne opstår derfor først undervejs i processen, når farveplatten har sat kursen. I sidste ende er resultatet forbavsende levende og overlegent i sin afbalancering af talrige farvekomponenter. Arbejdsredskabet er overvejende spartel på lærred og heri ligger Hytteballes personlige signatur, hvor netop nuancerigdom og tekstur er afgørende i et akrylmaleri, som skabes i en vekselvirkning mellem vildskab og meditation.

I en hastigt opadgående spiral synes Henrik Hytteballe at sprænge det muliges kunst ud i kreative frembringelser da kunstneren indenfor de seneste år har vist at han er en overordentlig seriøs og talentfuld billedkunstner, ligesom han for længst har manifesteret sig som komponist og musiker. Sikke en rejse og sikke et talent!

Ida Anna Hjalmsrud

Indehaver af, samt … Read More »

The story behind Dahab Suite

Posted on April 27th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Udstilling 2015. Comments Off on The story behind Dahab Suite

It all started with a journey to Dahab in Egypt last Christmas and New Year.
Before we left Dahab, Gitte and Henrik decided that this was plenty of inspiration for a separate exhibition with paintings reflecting the impressions that Dahab gives so generously.

The atmosphere by the coast in Dahab is so relaxed – Dahab seems to be where chill-out was invented. People are friendly and you feel safe and secure although many of the citizens in Dahab are living on a very small budget.

We enjoyed the wonderful corals in the Red Sea, riding on camels. After hiking in the red desert we had delicious tea at the Bedouins and experienced a fantastic sunset followed by an amazing full moon.

We shared the streets with goats and sheep and a lot of children playing. Unfortunately the kids treated the wild dogs badly, but … Read More »

Dahab Suite

Posted on March 13th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Paintings, 2014, Udstilling 2015. Comments Off on Dahab Suite

It all started with at journey to Dahab, Egypt.

Gitte Klausen and I decided that all the inspiration we got in Dahab should be used for a joint exhibition. Now 2 years later, we are ready to show our work: 40 paintings with impressions from Dahab.

Opening reception at Filosoffen, Filos0fgangen 30, Odense C, April 7th from 17-19

The art building Filosoffen stays open Tuesday – Sunday from 11-17

We are looking so much forward to seeing you.


Udstilling hos Orbicon

Posted on March 11th, by Henrik Hytteballe in Udstilling 2015. Comments Off on Udstilling hos Orbicon

Fra d. 27. februar til d. 24. april udstiller jeg 20 malerier hos Orbicon, Jens Juuls Vej 16 i Århus

Udstillingen kan ses mandag-torsdag fra kl. 9.00 – 16.30 og fredage fra kl. 9.00-15.30. Henvend dig i receptionen.